Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the divorce rate in other countries?

I live on the US, where the divorce rate is at least 50%. Married couples just seem to not be able to get along. I was just curious, what are the divorce rates in other countries, such as Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand?|||In Ireland, the divorce rate is the lowest of the EU. This is because it is a catholic country and there is NO SUPPORT for women who are being beaten by their husbands. They also tend never to receive equitable settlements in divorce.

Divorce in Canada is about 48%.

UK is roughly the same as the US

Australia is about 40%

The best I could find on New Zealand is 30%, but it's a bit of a misnomer since couples simply choose not to marry at all.

In most cases, it isn't because the couples get along better in other countries - it is how the divorce laws work. For instance, in Spain, until recently, it took years and great expense to get a divorce. Now they have streamlined it and introduced no-fault divorce. So, you will likely see the divorce rate pick up there, but Catholics do tend to divorce less often, so it isn't going to be as high as say the UK.|||Well in some countries the divorce rate is actually going down, because many couples are not getting married. Why marry , when you know very well that you will divorce one day.|||ive lived in other countries regardless of the divorce rate unfortunately adultery abounds.

some people just can't afford lawyers.|||why don't US get along

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